This page has had its day. I decided to keep it on my site though as I, like all of us, had my story of professional and personal survival during the Covid pandemic. I was lucky with my health and with the opportunities I had to support people. This page is a testament to my adaptability and evolution as a coach in 2020 and 2021.
It might be history, but it is also part of the person I am today.
The Lockdown Files 2020
I'm old enough to know the above title is a homage to the Rockford Files of the 1970s. This bears no resemblance to what I am sharing with you here in the same way I bear no resemblance to the James Garner of that time. However,
off-beat humour is sometimes how COVID-19 has taken me! What I am sharing here is how lucky I have been to be able to work for at least some of the lock down period that we have all experienced recently. I have also talked to groups of people about coaching practice in a way that I might not have made time to do prior to COVID19. Here are just some of the things that I spoken about during webinars to various audiences. Okay, no fast cars or dodgy detectives but some great stuff nonetheless! Want to talk about a bespoke session? Drop me a note to jeremy.d.hinks@gmail.com

Like so many people I have adjusted my coaching services offer to strike the balance between making what I do accessible and ensuring I can remain in business while I do so! Click on the pdf icon on the left to check out what this offer is. I still have some capacity in one or two of these areas.

Working with my fabulous colleagues at Know You More, where I am Head of Community Operations, is always a pleasure. In response to COVID19 I contributed to a team effort to produce a coaching resource for use in support of health and social care professionals in Scotland. You can find it here through this link

I was asked to represent Know You More in giving a webinar of the above title. It was hosted by
NHS Education for Scotland and Project Lift. Over 500 health and social care practitioners attended in what was a great session to participate in and you can catch a recording of it here. You can read more about my thinking on my blog pages.

It has been a great time to collaborate and there is no better collaborator than Marcos. He and I led an amazing interactive session at the Salisbury International Coaching Week event hosted by local ICF lead, Ross Nichols. It was amazing according to the feedback and also in meeting the challenge of making it work virtually!

There has also been time to pause and be curious about things! I wondered if the Kano model about customer service had anything to say about coaching and coaching practice. I thought this out loud with the Salisbury ICF group who were graciously interested and reflective about what they had heard. Eventually this will be self guided resource joining others in KYM's Pause for Thought resource pack.

I ran a session with the Salisbury Chamber of Commerce on the day before lock down was imposed. I remember it for it being the last piece of work that I have done in the same physical space as other people. I also remember it as a time of shock for the small business owners who were in attendance with real concerns about their businesses which, in many cases, had taken so long to build to the March 2020 size and shape.
We talked about the SCARF model and how it helps to manage individual response to socially threatening situations. The discussion was great even though a threat of global proportions loomed over the session.

A couple of months later I was back with the Salisbury Chamber of Commerce this time connecting virtually with the group would comprised business owners in retail, law, IT and various service sectors. By now everyone had experienced their own emotional fluctuations throughout two months of COVID lockdown. All our minds were turning to how to come out of that period ensuring personal and business well-being. We talked about aspects of self-care and thought in more detail about Stephen Covey's circles of influence and concern. It is one of the many supports to thinking that can help in prioritising emotional and cognitive effort towards those things we have an influence over.