Worldviews and complexity: my Human System Dynamics (HSD) learning journey (so far) Part 1
Accessing Happy Memories
Unfinished II: The accomplished unfinisher
Unfinishing Part 1: A story of creativity and commissioning
What is obvious and memorable about your learning?
A Preference for Partnership over Mastery
Alpamayo Coaching on Tour meets Matt Potter at the University of Bath for an experience of role reversal, and to tackle the question of 'what's the point?'
Knowledge and Ignorance, or Knowing and Not Knowing
'Alpamayo Coaching on Tour' meets Kyle Conway on dry land at HMS Sultan, for a conversation about development of self and others.
Alpamayo Coaching on Tour meets Simon Crumpler at Chesterford Science Park for a conversation on learning, multidisciplinarity and finding a 'good fit'