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Trickling through my fingers (ITWS#3)
I just did something a bit weird! Something that completely caught me out in terms of its impact on my mood and my focus. First some...
Not taking primroses for granted! (ITWS#2)
I don’t know about you but for us in Wiltshire the primroses have been fantastic this year. They seem more prolific and the bunches seem...
In Touch with Sense (ITWS) #1
I love writing. It’s part of my mindfulness practice, an element of self-care. It’s my port in a storm. Why is it then that I often...
Achieving the PCC milestone: a pause for celebration!
I reached a milestone in early 2020. Being someone who is more energised by looking forward to the next challenge it is not often that I...
The curious power of collections of buttons
There is something rather special about buttons. They have been around for thousands of years as a practical solution to keeping clothes...
Describing TAYT
Thinking about your Thinking (TAYT) has become something of a 'brand' for me. It came to me from two separate directions. Firstly, I was...
Beware of the small print!
So many coaching conversations revolve around the narratives that clients use to describe themselves and their behaviours. These are...
Sugar Coaching
While on vacation in Spain one of our luxuries is making time for coffee and tostada con tomate. Part of that luxury is simply in the...
Too much of a good thing?
I am facilitating a discussion about coaching and its association with systems thinking at a local Community of Practice meeting in...
Muse, coaching, and sensory overload
I recently went to see ‘Muse’ on their ‘Simulation Theory’ tour at the London Stadium with my wife and our friends. What a great...
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