School Education
Trust Support Challenge Change
'More essential than useful, digital coaching has made a significant difference to me and to the inherent isolation of being a Head Teacher.'
James V, Secondary Headteacher
I have a good deal of experience with coaching in the Primary and Secondary Education Sector. This arises partly from the fact that I am fairly well networked in Secondary Education through my wife, an experienced Deputy Head in England, and I worked with teachers at all levels through my wife’s contacts and then as a result of word of mouth.
As a founding coach with 'Know You More' I was one of the coaches involved in a project commissioned by 'Education Scotland' and the 'General Teaching Council Scotland.' On this programme, coaching has been delivered across cohorts of Headteachers, Deputies, Teachers who have responsibility for Pastoral care, & managers of Early Years Centres. The coaching has been a rich experience for coaches and clients alike, and has led to some far reaching outcomes for individuals and their schools.
'Simply having the time to reflect during these session on my own development, has allowed me to recognise what I need to do to protect my own wellbeing, and at times put myself first so that I can better support my team. It has reminded me that I do not need to 'fix' all issues, and to consider the way I approach and coach staff so that they can find some of their own solutions. Thanks to Jeremy for a fantastic experience, I gained so much from these sessions.
Laura S, Leader of Learning and Teaching
One project involved supporting a cohort of middle leaders in schools to adopt a coaching approach with their early career starters; those who had successfully navigated probation. I developed a series of short virtual training sessions and peer support discussions during the period of their coaching relationship. It was a hugely rewarding experience in which it was clear to see how coaching is a challenging offer in education because leadership leans so strongly on a mentoring model, one that is still very hierarchy aware. This project had a real impact on the middle leaders & their appreciation of how there are many ways to lead which they took into their everyday practice, not just their coaching. I co-authored an article on 'Reflective Practice' in the Teaching Scotland (Issue 87, p33) to promote the coaching offer. The coaching programme is now in its third year.
I have also enjoyed working with academic and professional services staff in the College Sector in Scotland, as part of the 'Preparing for Executive Leadership Programme' hosted by the College Development Network.