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A momentous moment...

A momentous moment for me passed quietly at the point where March became April in 2018. It was the point at which I went from being a paid employee of 36 years standing to being self employed as Director of Alpamayo Coaching Ltd.

The emotions and feelings related to this depend on which way I turn my metaphorical gaze. Looking back I feel both pleasure and pride over my time as a chemist, an academic, a manager and a leader. It’s not often that I pat myself on the back in relation to what I achieved – now seems like a great time to do so! The pleasure comes in particular from reflecting on the diversity of talented people that I have worked with. Through them I learned so much! They helped me accumulate knowledge and understanding and clarify what motivates me. In this the student community were as important as my staff colleagues. Through all of them I realised that something of particular importance to me is my support for people as they work out their strategy to be the best that they can be. In return, I have helped many with achieving deeper understanding of self and others, with gaining ever greater confidence in relation to their next steps, in navigating their own change trajectories.

Looking forward the dominant feeling is one of excitement. My future with Alpamayo Coaching Ltd will be focussed on working with people as individuals or in teams, at home or in the workplace. The scope to make a contribution and to be continually curious about what makes each of us tick is without bounds. It is the sense of unconfined purpose and the unlimited opportunity to learn with others which is liberating as well as exciting! There is also a sense of comfort while looking forward to the future that I have such a rich and varied experience to draw on.

Although this final step took as long as the clock ticking past the midnight hour on March 31st this transition has been a long time coming, maybe even ever since I started working 36 years ago. It has been an active part of my plan for four years during which time I have coached professionally for over 250 hours and built on thousands of hours of training experience by adding facilitation and project management expertise to my portfolio.

Now the final monthly pay cheque has been paid and a fond farewell made to my great colleagues from across the University of Southampton. That clock has ticked and now my future is my present. I will be delighted to hear from you whether your perspective is one reflecting on the past or looking to the future. If you would like to find out more go to and then get in touch to find out more:

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