CoP Workshop session:
Disruptive innovation
Public sessions:
RICH Thinking
I am one of the co-conveners of the Hampshire Improvement Community of Practice (CoP). Like more of the membership I lead some sessions. In my case I am interested as always in encouraging TAYT in the context of our chosen subject. One recent example was a workshop covering Disruptive Innovation and how that is interpreted at organisation, group and individual level. The resource I prepared and used to lead the session is attached in the link below:
CoP: Disruptive innovation
I ran three sessions for the membership of David Lloyd Southampton Gym. The management there were keen to offer some activities that looked at mental wellbeing as an activity to go alongside their extensive physical fitness programmes. I was grateful to them for hosting the sessions and helping with the logistics. RICH Thinking was a forerunner to TAYT (RICH coming from some terminology used by David Lloyd in their promotional materials). Use the links to find the flyer for this programme and for the for the first 90 minute workshop.
DL flyer
DL Session 1
I have found the content of all the RICH Thinking sessions useful. Each week I have taken lots of useful ideas and concepts home and shared with family and friends. Well done David Lloyd for being so proactive in hosting these. It would be great to have more.
SC, DL Gym member
Another public session:
Introducing TAYT
With the excellent help of Kathryn Furnell from the Enterprise Network in Salisbury I arranged a session for local business offered to the Chamber of Commerce and beyond. The 90 minutes of discussion ranged over a number of self and peer coaching tools as well as what TAYT is all about (see right). As always the best parts of the programme were when lively debate struck up and happily this happened a lot! Some of the elements explored with social threat, circles of influence and concern, the value of active listening, among several others. You can have a peek through the pdf link below.