Jeremy & Marco's WARES:
Unscripted conversations to be curious about.
For several years we, Marcos Frangos and Jeremy Hinks, have been coaching each other. We have enjoyed many conversations together exploring our own thinking and feeling. Of course we also touch on the work we each do, independently and collaboratively, to help people navigate their own unique complexities. In our post 'COVID19 influenced world' conversation has taken on a new importance, in particular those unscheduled, no agenda dialogues which are so much less common for many of us as a result of contemporary ways of working.
We realised that we were losing informality and spontaneity in our conversations so decided to throw a topic at each other and discuss it for 5 mins or so. It was fun, so much so that we recorded some of them and posted them on LinkedIn. Later we started using them in thought provocation sessions with other coaches. We were taken aback by the power they had to nudge thinking when our WARES conversations were allowed to interact with the conversations our participants were already having. The power of the 'interaction of unrelated conversations' was the seed which has now grown into TurnStones, our unique group activity which is all about 'perspective shifting through head and heart. To find out more about the journey from WARES to TurnStones click on the link.
Jeremy and Marcos talk about the thinking behind TurnStones;
their work with groups, teams & individuals using the 'art of turning thinking and feeling upside down in the company of others, and being interested about what gets revealed.'
Our first unscripted conversation was, perhaps inevitably, about the impact of unscripted conversation. There is a context to this one. It was recorded in 2020 at a time when stopping for a chat in the street was either not an option, or people had become uncomfortable in doing so.
Using architectural spaces and terminology.
Exploring what non spaces are from the perspective of a conversation.
Reflecting on how perspective changes by journeying through wild margins of thinking and feeling
Contemplating the profound importance of actually feeling a sense of spaciousness.
How family sayings influence behaviours decades later. The profound influence of words echoed down the years
What happens when you shift perspective from the artist’s creativity to the beholder’s capacity to interpret what they see.
Flipping the responsibility from artist to beholder
Altering the perspective from thinking of vulnerability as being a client phenomenon in a coaching partnership